
Can a copy of the original document be apostilled?

So, you're wondering if you can get an apostille stamp on a copy of a document instead of the original? Well, an apostille stamp is like a special sticker made by a computer that's put on the back of your original documents by a department in India called the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

It's a unique sticker with a special number that countries who are part of something called The Hague Convention can use to check if your documents are legit. 

You can even do this online without having to physically go anywhere.

Normally, once your document gets the apostille stamp from the MEA, you shouldn't need to get it verified again by any other foreign embassy or consulate.

Can a copy of the original document be apostilled?

Certificate Apostille

Getting a Certificate Apostille is like giving your documents a special stamp of approval. It's a process where a sticker called an apostille is put on your important document by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). 

This sticker shows that your document is real and can be trusted, especially if you need it for things like getting a visa.

To make sure your document is accepted in other countries, it needs to go through this verification process. It's a bit like getting a passport stamp when you travel. 

This process is only done by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), which is a part of the Indian government that deals with foreign affairs. They're the only ones who can put that special stamp on your document in India.


Document Apostille Stamp

So, you've heard about this thing called the Document Apostille Stamp, right? It's like this special sticker, kind of square-shaped, that's made by a computer. You stick it on the back of your documents when you need them to be recognized internationally.

Now, who gives out this stamp? Well, it's the Minister of External Affairs, part of the Government of India. When your document gets this apostille stamp, it's like it's getting a big thumbs-up, saying it's all good and legit.

Here's the deal with apostilles: they're a way to make sure your document is recognized in other countries. It's like a universal stamp of approval that's accepted in all the places that are part of the Hague Convention.

So, when your document gets this special stamp, it also gets a unique ID number. And here's the cool part: people from countries in the Hague Convention can check if your document is real or not online, just by using that ID number.

Once your document has the apostille stamp, you don't need to go through any more hassle with embassies or consulates to prove it's genuine. It's like a one-stop shop for making your document internationally official!


Degree Certificate Apostille

Degree Certificate Apostille is a way to make sure your degree certificate is legit all around the world, especially if you're from a country that's part of the Hague Convention. 

Instead of going through a long process, this apostille thing makes it easier. It's like a stamp of approval that says, "Hey, this certificate is real!"

This whole apostille process isn't just for degrees; it can be for any important documents like personal or business ones too. But here's the catch: you can only get this apostille done in your own country, and it's only valid for countries that are part of the Hague Convention.

The cool thing is, this apostille stuff is super-recognized. Like, it's accepted in over 106 countries! So if you're planning to go abroad or need your documents recognized internationally, getting that apostille is the way to go.


The Procedure of Apostille in India

So here's the lowdown on how to get an Apostille in India, which basically means getting an official stamp on your important papers so they're recognized internationally.

So, way back in 2005, India joined this thing called the Hague Convention, which made life easier for folks needing to use their documents abroad. No more running around for multiple stamps, yay! Now, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) takes care of Apostille stuff along with other document verifications.

Here's how it goes down:

Step 1: Getting your documents checked

First up, your original papers need a thumbs-up from the folks in charge in the State or Union Territory where they were issued. You know, making sure everything's legit before the big MEA stamp. You can find out who these authority folks are on the MEA website.

Step 2: Getting the big MEA stamp

Once your documents have got the state's seal of approval, it's time for the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to give them the official nod. They'll double-check that everything's been signed off properly by the state or UT and then slap on that Apostille sticker. Just remember, they're only vouching for the signatures, not the actual content of your documents.

To get this done, you'll need to provide:

(a) Your original document

(b) A clear copy of it

(c) A clear copy of your passport

(d) A Postal Order worth Rs.50/- made out to Pay and Accounts Officer, MEA, New Delhi

(e) And the service fees, of course

And hey, they can Apostille either the original document or a certified copy, depending on what you've got and what the other country prefers.

So, that's the drill for getting your papers ready for international adventures. Hope that helps clear things up!


Documents That Must Be Originals

There are some papers that have to be the real deal, not copies. You can't just make copies and expect them to be accepted by the government with an apostille stamp. Even if a copy has a stamp from a notary, it won't cut it. 

This goes for important stuff like birth certificates, marriage certificates, and death certificates. They need to be the original ones or a special copy given by an official place like a library.

Oh, and if you need to get an apostille for things like criminal record checks or medical notes, they gotta be the real deal too.

So, just keep that in mind when you're dealing with official documents!


Documents That Can Be Legalized as Copies or Originals

When it comes to making sure your documents are all good to go, you've got two options: you can either use the original ones or get copies that are officially approved. If you're not sure whether a copy will be accepted, it's best to check with the folks who need the documents – they'll give you the lowdown on what's needed.

Most of the time, when it comes to things like degree certificates and academic stuff, we can sort you out with certified copies. 

But there are some places, like Colombia, where they want the real deal – the original certificates. And lately, some places in the UAE and Azerbaijan are asking for original documents with something called an apostille.


Documents That Are Always Processed as Copies

You know those papers that always need to be copied? Yeah, those. Well, sometimes you need to get those copies officially approved. Like, you need someone who's an expert or a notary public to say, "Yep, these are legit copies." 

This is super important because it protects the original documents from getting messed up or destroyed. Think stuff like passports, driver's licenses, residency papers, and immigration documents.

Now, if you're in a situation where you need copies of your documents to be checked and approved by an expert, we've got you covered with our all-inclusive apostille service. We take care of all the fees and expert charges. We'll make copies of your papers, have one of our experts double-check and sign them properly, and then make sure you get the apostille within 24 hours.

So, if you ever find yourself in need of official copies of your important documents, just give us a shout!


Can I Apostille Duplicates of Documents Myself?

Yes! You can totally handle getting duplicates of your documents apostilled all by yourself. It's pretty straightforward, really. You just need to reach out to the right folks in your state government. 

Most times, they'll ask you to get an original copy of the document you want to apostille. Once you've got that, you just need to hand over the document and the apostille request to either the Secretary of State or the US State Department.

But hey, there might be a few bumps along the way. Like, if you're not close to where you need to go to get your document apostilled, or if you'd rather not deal with all the paperwork yourself, we're here to help! 

Just fill out our Order Form, and we'll take care of the apostille process for you. Easy peasy!


Can a Notary Apostille a Document

What does a notary do? Basically, they make sure your document is genuine. They check your signature and maybe put a stamp or a seal on it to say, "Yep, this is real!"

But wait, there's more! If you need to use that document in a country that's part of something called the Hague Convention, you'll need an extra step. It's called apostille.

Now, here's the thing: not all notaries can give you that apostille stamp. Only certain ones, authorized by the government, can do it. So, while your notary can say your document is real, it's the government folks who actually give it the international thumbs-up.

So, next time you need to prove your document is the real deal overseas, remember the notary starts the process, but it's the government that gives it that extra special international nod.

posted on 28 Mar, 2024. Posted In apostille.

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